
Parishioners can participate in various ministries that support the parish and the larger community. Some of these include

If you would like to learn more about, or volunteer for, any of the ministries shown below, please complete the form at the bottom of this page. The form will be sent automatically to the parish office.

Bereavement Ministry

“Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Luke 6:21

The purpose of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Bereavement Ministry is to provide comfort and encouragement to parishioners who are experiencing grief over the death of a loved one. In addition to sharing information about the grieving process, our trained Bereavement Ministers assist with the planning of Funeral Masses, and offer compassionate follow up for at least one year. 

Coordinator: Trudy Dowd

Database and Website

If you have an interest in volunteering to help OLMC with its database and website management, please let us know! We are in the process of migrating to flocknote for database, and we use WordPress for our website.

Coordinators: Katie Read, John Finn

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

The principal focus in our parish for an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist is to bring Holy Communion to the sick on a regular basis (weekly or twice a month). Also, an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist is called to to help the priest to distribute the Body of Christ and/or the Blood of Christ at Mass, especially our weekend Masses and on Holy Days of Obligation.

Coordinator: Lorraine Ring

Faith Formation

Faith Formation refers specifically to Catechists who are lay members of the Christians faithful, duly instructed and outstanding in Christian life, who devote themselves to setting forth the teachings of the Gospel and organizing liturgies and works of charity under the direction of the parish priest.

1st Year Holy Communion: Michele Higa
2nd Year Holy Communion: Susan Franks
1st and 2nd Year Confirmation: Daryl Lyon
RCIA: Derwin Borling

Finance Council

The finance council assists in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish by offering counsel and guidance to the pastor in conjunction with a part-time bookkeeper.

President: Alex Gray


The Hospitality Ministers work with with the coordinator to provide fellowship and light refreshments (coffee/donuts//tea/hot chocolate/orange juice) after the 9 and 11 AM Sunday Masses. This is done twice or three times a month depending on the calendar.

Coordinator: Rosemary Ellis

Human Trafficking Awareness

This ministry seeks to increase awareness in the parish of human trafficking and generate support for community programs to address those impacted. Most activity involves working with other organizations across Monterey County. Volunteers can be expected to spend 1-2 hours per week.

Coordinator: Brendan Cook


A lector is the person who proclaims the first and second readings at the Mass. This ministry may also be called Readers or Ministers of the Word. Lectors also may lead the Psalm (in the absence of a cantor) and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass as well as give the announcements.

Coordinator: Dede Woodhead

Liturgical Music and Choir

St. Augustine said, “He who sings prays twice.”

The Music Ministry is a vital and integral part of worship. The role of the cantors, choir members and instrumentalists is to inspire the congregation to participate fully and meaningfully in the sacred liturgy. Music Ministers have answered the call to use their talent and their passion for music to offer praise to God.

Choir Director: Tamara Sommerville

Manna Ministry

Our ministry focus in the Social Teaching of the Church and is to serve the less fortunate in the Village & Cachagua area by providing a healthy bag of food supplies that includes a protein and produce twice monthly. We have 3 teams that rotate bagging groceries & loading the parish vehicle for the delivery. The commitment of our team members is once every six weeks on a Saturday morning. We deliver these bags the 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month. We are currently in need of a few people who could help with the shopping, delivering the bags & filling out the necessary paperwork to turn into the coordinator. OLMC Manna Ministry has been in existence for the past 12 years.

Coordinator: Alondra Klemek

Parish Hall & Events

“So I commend enjoyment, for there is nothing better for people under the sun than to eat and drink, and enjoy themselves; for this will go with them in their toil through all the days of their life that God gives them under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 8:15

For more information, see the Parish Hall tab on this website’s main page, or click here.

Coordinator: Berni Aliotti

Pastoral Council

The Parish Council is a group of parishioners who advise and assist the pastor in the spiritual and organizational life of the parish.

President: Dede Woodhead

Sacristans and Altar Servers

An altar server is a lay assistant to a member of the priest celebrant during the celebration or Mass or other Liturgies. An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, helping bring up the gifts, and bringing up the liturgical books, among other things. If young, the server is commonly called a junior altar server. If grown-up, a senior altar server.

Coordinator: Fr Jhonnatan Carmona

Social Media

The goal of this ministry is to connect with others, share information and celebrate the Parish community.

Coordinator: Lorraine Iglesias


Contact: church office

Ministries Inquiry